Key Events in World History

1920 - 2020

1920: Women's Suffrage

1921: Chinese Communists Rise

1922: British Empire Shrinks

1923: Great Kanto Earthquake

1924: From Lenin to Stalin

1925: Scopes Monkey Trial

1926: U.S. Starts Numbered Highway System

1927: Lindbergh Nonstop to Paris

1928: Earhart Crosses Atlantic

1929: Wall Street Crashes

1930: Ho Chi Minh Rises in Vietnam

1931: Empire State Building Completed

1932: Hitler Becomes German

1933: FDR Elected

1934: Hitler Consolidates Power

1935: FDR Launches New Deal

1936: Owens Flouts Nazis

1937: UAW Changes Car Industry

1938: Anti-Semitism Surges

1939: World War II Starts

1940: McDonald's Founded

1941: Pearl Harbor

1942: GIs Arrive in Europe

1943: Invention of LSD

1944: D-Day

1945: World War II Ends

1946: Baby Boom Starts

1947: India Gains Independence

1948: Birth of Israel

1949: NATO Founded

1950: Korean War Starts

1951: Rosenbergs Sentenced

1952: First Hydrogen Bomb Test

1953: The Dawn of DNA

1954: Brown vs. Board of Education

1955: Parks Starts a Movement

1956: Hungary Suppressed

1957: The Little Rock Nine

1958: US Launches First Satellite

1959: Castro Takes Over Cuba

1960: Lunch Counter Sit-in

1961: Berlin Wall Built

1962: Cuban Missile Crisis

1963: JFK Assassinated

1964: LBJ's "War on Poverty"

1965: Civil Rights Turns Violent

1966: Mao Purges Rivals

1967: Six-Day War

1968: King Assassinated

1969: Landing on the Moon

1970: War In Asia Widens

1971: Pentagon Papers

1972: Nixon Goes To China

1973: Roe v. Wade

1974: Nixon Resigns Out

1975: Saigon Falls

1976: The Concorde Changes Air Travel

1977: Rise of the PC

1978: Cult's Mass Suicide

1979: Islamic Republic Born in Iran

1980: Reagan Elected

1981: AIDS Impacts America

1982: Mexico Triggers Regional Debt Crisis

1983: The Internet is Born

1984: Chemicals Kill Thousands in India

1985: Reagan, Gorbachev Meet

1986: Shuttle Tragedy

1987: Stock Market Tanks

1988: When the U.S. Armed Iran

1989: The Berlin Wall Falls / Tiananmen Square

1990: Democracy in Poland

1991: American Goes to War in Middle East

1992: Cold War Ends

1993: The EU Becomes Reality

1994: is Born

1995: Domestic Terror Strikes Oklahoma

1996: The Dawn of Cloning

1997: Machine Tops Chess Champ

1998: The Age of Google Begins

1999: NATO's First Independent Strike

2000: International Space Station Opens

2001: 9/11

2002: Homeland Security

2003: US Crushes Iraq

2004: Facebook Founded

2005: Katrina Overwhelms New Orleans

2006: Hussein Executed

2007: The iPhone

2008: Dow Plunges

2009: America’s First African American President

2010: Catastrophic Oil Spill

2011: Bin Laden Killed

2012: The "God Particle" Is Discovered

2013: Snowden Reveals Secrets

2014: Russian Bear Bites Ukraine

2015: NASA Flies by Pluto

2016: Trump Elected

2017: Hurricane Triple Whammy

2018: Wildfires

2019: Hong Kong Protests

2020: COVID-19